Slot Boekverslag
Dec 11, 2016 De twee neven Kris en Hopper zijn samen op vakantie in Spanje. Terwijl zij met hun auto hoog in de bergen rijden, waar het flink regent, rijden zij per ongeluk een man aan die op slag dood blijkt te zijn. Boekverslag van het boek Op slot (J. Bernlef) voor het vak nederlands. Dit verslag is op 2 februari 2007 gepubliceerd op en gemaakt door Cees van der Pol (Docent). Woesten’ is het knallende debuut van auteur Kris van Steenberge. Het boek vertelt het verhaal van Elisabeth, een jonge vrouw die in het begin van de negentiende eeuw wil uitbreken uit het dorpse leven waarin ze gevangen zit, maar door het leven te vaak wordt ingehaald. Een overzicht met alle schrijvers waarvan de achternaam begint met de letter 'D'.
The story is about a boy named Luke. When he stays with his grandma on her house in Norway his parents die at an accident with their car. That night grandma tells Luke a story about a very good friend of her who was captured by witches and she was locked up in a painting and she could never go out. She also told him that she lost two fingers because a witch had bitten then off when she was a child. She ended her story by telling Luke that witches have got purple eyes. The next day a witch came to see Luke but he saw her purple eyes and screamed for his grandma the witch was afraid and ran away.Maak een creatieve voorkant voor je boekverslag. De voorkant moet betrekking hebben op het verhaal en/of een passage uit je boek. Schrijf de titel van het boek, de auteur, je naam en je klas op je verslag. Kies hieronder 3.keuzeopdrachten uit en werk deze verder uit. Vermeld duidelijk voor welke opdrachten jij gekozen hebt.
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That day grandma became ill and they called a doctor and he told her she had got diabetes and that she needed rest and fresh air so the went to England. The stayed at an hotel there.What they didn’t knew was that the witches kept their yearly secret meeting there too. When Luke is playing with is mice in a room in the hotel when the witches came in to keep there yearly secret meeting. He couldn’t escape so he hid and staid quiet . He heard everything what the Grand high witch said. She said that she had made a formula which could turn a human into a mouse and for example she Had a boy from the hotel he drunk the formula and became a mouse after that the meeting was over, but the witches smelled that there was an other boy! Luke! He ran away to grandma’s room but grandma was asleep and the Grand high witch was waiting there for him she took him away back to the meeting and made him a mouse too. As a mouse he could escape from the witches. When he escaped them he looked for the other boy: Bruno. Together they went to Luke’s grandma. Of course grandma is socked of this situation but she controls herself again and she was going to tell Bruno’s parents. When she told them they didn’t believe her and they send her away. They made a plan to win from the Grand high witch. For the plan Luke has to go to the Grand high witch her room and get the formula from there. When he found the formula he goes to the kitchen And he putted the formula into the soup which was made for the witches. At the same time the Grand high witch is quarrelling with her assistant. The assistant has to go to her room. Luke goes back to his grandma and they watch the witches turn into mice and when all the witches (except the assistant of course because she had o go to her room) are dead Luke and his grandma go back home.
The Grand high witch had a lot of money in a briefcase and in that same briefcase there was an book full of addresses from witches in America. The wanted to go to America because the had to find a good witch who could change Luke into a boy again.